What Day Does Ops Start Again

The Omaha Public Schools board pushed the commencement day of school upwardly a week and will crave that all students and staff wear masks.

The schoolhouse board met Monday night and canonical irresolute the 2020-21 schoolhouse calendar. School will now start on Aug. 11. Winter pause also has been extended by one week.

The school board voted nine-0 to approve a resolution requiring anyone engaging in whatsoever activity on district property to wear a mask when other people are present. Bandanas are prohibited.

Exceptions would exist made when people are eating, drinking, with members of their household in a dissever space or participating in athletic activities with proper social and concrete distancing.

The board had already approved the buy of more 360,000 fabric masks for students and staff.

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The bulk of the discussion Monday night centered on the district's plan to return to school this fall.

OPS outlines plan for fall school reopening with only half of students in buildings at a time

Terminal week, OPS unveiled a autumn reopening plan that would carve up students into 2 groups who would each attend schoolhouse in person part of the week.

Students would be divided into 2 groups based on the first letter of their last names.

Students whose names start with A through K would attend every Monday and Tuesday. Those starting with L through Z would attend every Thursday and Fri. Wednesdays would alternate between the groups.

The plan would be for all grades across the district. The school board is not scheduled to vote on the plan, which was instead adamant by district leadership.

Nearly two dozen parents, teachers and students spoke during the public comment portion of Monday night's meeting.

Some parents complained that the survey sent out past the district did not mention the two-group plan as an option. Others wondered how working parents will juggle child care and remote learning for function of the week.

OPS survey finds parents, students split on whether or not to require masks

Marking Meisenbach, an OPS parent, said he doesn't empathize why other districts in the state and bordering schools in the metro area tin can fully reopen schools but OPS cannot.

Superintendent Cheryl Logan said OPS has had crowded classrooms for many years, peculiarly in S Omaha, and to reopen schools in those crowded conditions would put too many people at take chances.

"None of usa want to be in this position right at present," Logan said. "Nosotros all desire to have our students back 100% of the time."

If weather condition improve, Logan said she would be the offset person championing getting students dorsum in schoolhouse five days a week.

Students in several special education programs volition get to school every day, including all classrooms at JP Lord School.

Kate Wiig, an OPS teacher and parent, told the board that she's incredibly scared but excited to see her students. She said the plan is the all-time possible option to help kids.

The board coming together Monday dark was the offset fourth dimension parents, teachers and school board members could publicly ask district officials about the plan.

Robert Miller, president of the Omaha Education Association, said the return-to-school plan was shared with OPS staff at iv p.thou. Friday. Teachers have many questions virtually what the return will look like, but Miller said he can't answer them because teachers were non function of the planning or discussions.

"OPS has a defended staff who are willing to do what is needed," Miller said. "They want to see their students in person and they understand the need for normalcy, but at what cost? Information technology very well could be at the toll of staff and students' health."

The Douglas County Republican Party said Monday that it opposes the district's plan, maxim it "puts a lot of stress on working parents and disproportionately hurts kids from underprivileged families."

Other metro area school districts this week began revealing their plans or the dates when more details would be released.

The Westside Customs Schools announced Monday that the district volition open up for all students in Baronial with safety and social distancing measures in identify.

The current plan is to have all Westside students attend school every 24-hour interval. The district has a fill-in program that would divide the students into two groups and have them attend schoolhouse on different days of the week.

Our best staff images from June 2020


Source: https://omaha.com/news/education/ops-board-votes-to-move-start-of-school-year-to-aug-11-require-masks-for/article_5494d296-158e-546d-9fc0-07705ccb7672.html

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